Our Partners

— Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)
The Niger Delta Development Commission is a federal government agency established by Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo in the year 2000 with the sole mandate of developing the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Its function is to survey the Niger Delta in order to ascertain measures necessary to promote its physical and socio-economic development. Preparing master plans and schemes designed to promote the physical development of the Niger Delta region and the estimation of the member states of the Commission.

— Smart Gang
Ours is to MAKE A WHOLE DIFFERENCE in Africa using EDUCATION as our weapon of change.

— Akwa Ibom State Association of Nigeria (USA), Inc
“Relentless Giving, & Advocacy” We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization aimed at promoting, encouraging and fostering unity. among the citizens of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria both in the United States and Nigeria.

Akwa Ibom | Nigeria
— National Association of Akwa Ibom State Students
Ours is to MAKE A WHOLE DIFFERENCE in Africa using EDUCATION as our weapon of change.

Paris | France
— United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization
An Organization dedicated to causes and projects related to Communication, Cultural Diversity, Cultural identity, Culture, Development, Education, Human rights, Literacy, Non-violence, Peace, Racism, Tolerance

Paris | France
— Government of Akwa Ibom
Akwa Ibom State Government is the government of Akwa Ibom, concerned with the administration of the state ministries. The government consists of Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. The government is headed by the Akwa Ibom State Governor who is the policy-maker and often assisted by the commissioners and other civil servant of the state. BCCF works with the Government to alleviate the less privileged and uneducated in the state